Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hi there!! Welcome

If you're reading this it probably means that i'm dead..Just kidding.
It's a new year and a time for new experiences. That is probably the main reason why I'm starting this blog. Everywhere around me people are optimistic and excited about what 2009 can bring, so why not jump on the band-wagon? Facebook is full of good wishes, hundreds of e-mails about being postive are being sent out,phonecalls of people whom I haven't spoken to in years whishing me a Happy new year,... and I guess everybody's right, it's going to be a good one!
Hi, my name on here is Andy. It's sort-of a nickname that i'll stick to just for now. I'm a white male, 26yrs old, living, loving and working in the South African entertianment industry. I consider myself a very passionate person, so I thought why not share my life's experiences with people-hence this blog...
On here i'll be randomly posting interesting thoughts, ideas, bitching-sessions, funny stories etc about how this particular Homo Sapien (thta's Latin for Modern Human) experiences his life. I hope you enjoy, and pleeeeeeeeze contribute, I love debating about stuff, so let's get topics and stuff going. After all: Other people's perspectives are what's going to be challenging yours. May you have an awesome, ass-kicking year!!


  1. welcome to blogland... this is my second addiction.. hehe.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you mister!

  2. Thanks buddy. It was actually your FB status that got me inpsired. Reckon this'll quickly also become an addiction for me

  3. I've tagged you - go check out my blog - maybe this will get another post out of you!

  4. Hey tetas..Like to read much more from you, nice to see you around here
